Call for Nominations

2019 Indiana ESOP of the Year Nominations The “ESOP Company of the Year” is a company that has a commitment to employee ownership, as evidenced by its: involvement with The ESOP Association and its programs; communications with employees; and, commitment to the Vision of The ESOP Association that endorses employee participation, wealth creation, and individual dignity and worth.…

Outside Board Registry

Are you an ESOP? Are you looking to add external board members to your board of directors? Not sure where to look?  – Did you know that The ESOP Association maintains an Outside Board Registry of corporate (~53), processional (~31), and Educational (~10) ESOP Association Members who are interested in serving on the boards of ESOP…

Mid-Year Fellows Workshop in Honor of Louis O. Kelso

As a Louis O. Kelso Fellow, Dr. Van Doel, will be attending the Mid-Year Fellows Workshop in Honor of Louis O. Kelso.  This years theme is Broad Based Employee Ownership Research and Policy Development. The purpose of the annual workshop is to study broad-based forms of capital ownership and capital income such as employee stock ownership,…

How does my ESOP account Grow?

A common question asked within an ESOP is how does my ESOP account grow?  There are two common methods through an increase in the number of shares, or by an increase in the value of those shares. Number of shares: The first way an ESOP account can grow is through the annual release of shares…

Employee-Owners Have a More Secure Retirement

A great article from the Washington Post on ESOPs and wealth Generation.  While an ESOP is a retirement plan, unlike a 401K where most of the money in the account is contributed by the wage earner, all the funds contributed to the ESOP are done so by the company.  Some call this free money – but…

The British are Coming — ESOPs and Perpetual Trusts

The British are Coming — ESOPs and Perpetual Trusts By Christopher Michael NOTE: Orginally posted in Employee-Owned America. In the United States, the employee ownership community has its favorite example: Publix Supermarkets. Founded in 1930, Publix started an employee ownership program in 1959. With more than $34 billion in revenue, Publix now manages 193,000 employees at…

ESOPs & Economically Distressed Communities

Do (Can) ESOPs make a difference in ecomomically distressed communities?  The National Center for Employee Ownership recently posted the following: In its January-February 2019 newsletter, the NCEO will unveil research that examines the impact of ESOPs on distressed communities as defined by the Distressed Communities Index created by the Economic Innovation Group. Fifty million people…

The ESOP Podcast

Did you know that Capital Trustees is the owner/ author of The ESOP Podcast and is available free via Itunes? As described – on the Itunes Page: Capital Trustees is thrilled with the continued success of The ESOP Podcast, our new project that invites listeners to hear insights from the best in the ESOP business.…

Indiana Data from the 2016 Annual Survey of Entreprenuers

According to the 2016 Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs which enumerated 105,583 Indiana businesses (businesses with paid employees): Business owners aged 55-64 owned 33,974 businesses, and Business owners aged 65+ owned an additional 21,954 businesses. These two age groups account for 53% of Indiana business where their owners are 55 years old or older and are…

Mid-Term Election Results

Mid-term election results are in and congratulations to the following Hoosiers for winning their elections.  INCEO looks forward to working with these Senators and Representatives on Pro-ESOP legislation in the 116th Congress. Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) Representative Peter Visclosky (D-IN-1) Representative Jackie Walroski (R-IN-2) Representative Jim Banks (R-IN-3) Representative Jim Baird (R-IN-4) Representative Susan Brooks…