Expert Professionals


Ready to take the next steps toward employee ownership and looking for professional advice? There are a host of talented and experienced service providers who can assist your companies transition to employee ownership. As with any professional services firm that you might retain, you should interview several firms, check references, and select a firm that you feel comfortable working with.  The National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) has an excellent article on How to Choose ESOP Consultants.

An Industry of Experts

The Indiana Center for Employee Ownership (INCEO) has a single focus – to assist businesses in the State of Indiana to understand employee ownership, and the benefits to all involved.  We provide no technical services nor do we endorse any specific service provider organizations.  We do, however, lend guidance by educating interested parties, and by supplying a listing of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who have demonstrated substantial experience in working with ESOP clients, and have become known to us through their expertise, and support of INCEO.  The SME list follows INCEO’s Professional Service Provider Referral Policy available here. Please note this SME list is currently underdevelopment and we anticipate adding additional resources over time. These SMEs are members of/or support the ESOP community through membership in The ESOP Association or NCEO.  Each of the below firms has demonstrated expertise in the areas of ESOPs and employee ownership, and INCEO is pleased to include these firms for your review/evaluation.  To add your firm to the list of INCEO Expert Professionals please complete the application at the following link.

ESOP or ERISA Legal Counsel
Seller Financial Advisory and Raising Capital
ESOP Lenders
Third Party Administration, Record Keeping
D&O, and ERISA Fiduciary Liability Insurance
  • TBD
ESOP Trustees
Leadership, Development, and Succession Planning; Culture & Communication Services
ESOP Repurchase Liability


Increasing employee ownership in the state of Indiana keeps businesses and jobs in-state and builds community wealth. Employees at employee-owned companies are four times less likely to be laid off, they receive 5 to 12% more in wages, and have retirement accounts that are 2.5 times greater than at comparable companies, resulting in more members of the community with secure financial futures. The Indiana Center for Employee Ownership would not be able to accomplish our mission without the financial support, involvement, and enthusiasm of the following organizations:

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