Workers to Owners

INCEO recently joined a national collaborative of organizations working to convert businesses to worker- and employee-ownership by engaging with companies, places, and governments.  This collaboration of like minded organizations named “Workers to Owners” is the leading body of knowledge and practice in the country focusing on small business conversions. Members share tools, practices, and innovations, aggregate data, broadcast a shared message in media and public presentations.

The Democracy at Work Institute acts as backbone for the collaborative, with a goal to expand the volume, impacts, and accessibility of conversions across the country. To do this DAWI works to:

  • Ensure there is meaningful dialogue and skill sharing among conversion practitioners that leads to innovation and scale
  • Ensure there is access to conversions support that reaches workers that who can be most positively impacted
  • Ensure there are metrics and best practices so that the success of the field can be measured

The mission of INCEO to promote better understanding of the values of employee ownership amongst business leaders, public officials, members of the media, students, academics is complementary and supportive to the purpose of the collaboration which seeks to engage companies, places, and governments.

– Rick