Registration for the 2022 Great Lakes Regional Conference, which will be at the Kalahari Resort & Convention center in Sandusky Ohio, October 19-21 is now open. The registration page is located on The ESOP Association page. Please note that the early bird discount will end on August 5th. Indiana Center for Employee Ownership is pleased…
I am pleased to share that our research on governance and culture within employee owned companies has been published in the Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership. This research is a sequential mixed method, using the Stewardship Climate Scale as the quantitative method, and structured interview as the qualitative method. The research included 154 ESOP…
Thanks to Carole from Ownership Associates UK for the following information! Welcome to the 24th edition of Ownership Matters – that’s two years we’ve been going! Lots to celebrate in this issue… A big employee ownership welcome to two new companies this month! Read about Caley Timber and Kilmac, two fantastic construction businesses where the former owners put their staff…
Research Opportunity – The Indiana Center for Employee Ownership is seeking one or more employee owned companies to participate in a research study investigating the type of governance (Agency or Stewardship) present within the organization. The study would seek to determine if the type of governance reported by the participants varies by position (management/non-management), tenure,…
Thanks to Carole from Ownership Associates UK for the following information! Bumper issue for you this month! Another two businesses join Scotland’s flourishing employee-owned community. Read the poignant story of Alan Steel Asset Management’s journey and the story of Spider Online. Our employee owned companies are collecting awards at a storming rate – celebrate the…
Research shows that ESOPs with an employee ownership culture outperform non-ESOP peers as well as ESOPs that lack an employee ownership culture. These ESOPs have an involvement orientated/ participative management philosophy, embrace a low power distance, and seek employee input to help solve problems. They communicate to each employee how their actions contribute to the…
Congratulations to Suzie Leisure of Opportunities for Positive Growth, Inc., who won the Employee Owner of the Year Award and to Empowered Ventures, formerly known as TVF, Inc., who won the Employee Owned Company of the Year Award. These awards were presented at the Indiana Chapter meeting of The ESOP Association’s Spring Conference.