Over the past few months INCEO has been working with Indiana State Senator John Crane (R-24) to increase awareness of ESOPs within Indiana. Senator Crane and Senator Eric Koch authored Senate Resolution 35, this resolution urges the legislative council to assign the topic of Employee Stock Ownership Plans to an appropriate study committee. On March…
The Indiana Center for Employee Ownership, INCEO just earned a 2019 Silver Seal by adding information to our Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar! Now our community members as well as 10+ million GuideStar users can find in-depth financial information about our organization. What do you think? Check out our profile at the following link. GuideStar…
Many thanks to Senator John Crane (R-24) for his support of employee ownership and ESOPs in Indiana. Senator Crane authored and has submitted Senate Resolution 35 to the 2019 Legislative Session. SR 35, is expected to go to committee in March 2019 with hearings following assignment. This Senate Resolution urges the legislative council to assign…
Rutgers Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing is performing a National ESOP Employee Survey of ESOP firms. This survey, when completed, will replace the 15-year old NBER data and will be used to develop the next generation of insights on worker ownership. This is a unique opportunity for your ESOP company…
In 2018, INCEO worked with the offices of Governor Holcomb and Indianapolis Mayor Hogsett to proclaim October Employee Ownership Month. I believe this was a first for Indiana, and according to The ESOP Association Indiana was one of four states to issue a Governors Proclamation. In 2019, our goal is to once again obtain a…
Many thanks to the National Center for Employee Ownership for providing the 2016 DOL form 5500 Data for the Indiana Center for Employee Ownership’s use. We are using this data to update our interactive ESOP page and map and expect to have our data updated within the week. This will be reflected in the both…
What are the planned Indiana business exit strategies? According to the 2016 Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs (N=67,897 business reporting) the exit strategies consisted of the following: Two key items stand out: The first is that 8.6% of the reporting businesses (or 5,854 businesses) the exit strategy is to sell to the employees or managers. This…
Has there been growth in the number of ESOPs in Indiana over time? The simple answer is YES! From the 2010 DOL 5500 data, Indiana was home to 160 ESOPs, providing wealth generation for 96,131 Hoosiers. Five years later, the 2015 DOL 5500 data, identifies the number of Indiana ESOPs at 176 a 10% increase. …
Will you be attending the Indiana Chapter 2019 Spring Conference in Carmel Indiana on 6 March 2019? The Event will be held at the Ritz Charles Carmel, 12156 N Meridian Street in Carmel Indiana. The Indiana Center for Employee Ownership is a Gold Sponsor of this event. Dr. Van Doel will be in attendance at…
S.177 This bill introduced Jan 17, 2019 by Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) is A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the Small Business Act to expand the availability of employee stock ownership plans in S corporations, and for other purposes. This bill enjoys bipartisan support with 25 cosponsors 15 Democratic and 10…